Introduction | History | Diagnosis | Therapy | Art | Famous People |
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German Epilepsie Museum Kork Oberdorfstraße 8, D-77694 Kehl-Kork, Germany open Sundays 2.00 - 5.00 p.m. or by arrangement email: |
Introduction |
What is epilepsy? |
Epileptic seizures |
Types of epilepsy |
Causes of epilepsy |
Therapy |
Consequences |
History |
The History of Epilepsy |
The Disease with 1000 Names |
Institutions for people with epilepsy |
People with epilepsy during the Nazi regime |
Diagnosis |
... in the Ancient World |
modern Methods |
Therapy |
... in the Ancient World |
... in the Middle Ages |
... from the Renaissance to the Present |
Art |
Votive tablets |
Religious Art |
Other works |
Epilepsy Motifs in literature |
Famous People |
Introduction |
Gallery |
Note |
The Epilepsy Museum's Library |
The scientific library at the Epilepsy Museum has over 500 historical books and papers which deal with the different areas of epilepsy, either specifically or in great detail. They are mainly works from the 18th and 19th and the first half of the 20th century; but there are also works from ancient Greek and Roman times and from the Middle Ages (either copies or facsimiles). |
In addition, there is a collection of the basic "classic'" works from the second half of the 20th century. Please note: The library in the Epilepsy Museum is a reference library. Books which are needed for research can only be lent in special cases. |
About the museum | Access | Discovery of the Day | Library |
How to react to a seizure |