Introduction | History | Diagnosis | Therapy | Art | Famous People |
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Deutsches Epilepsiemuseum Kork Oberdorfstraße 8, D-77694 Kehl-Kork open Sundays 2.00-5.00 p.m. or by arrangement E-mail: |
Introduction |
What is epilepsy? |
Epileptic seizures |
Types of epilepsies |
Causes of epilepsy |
Therapy |
Consequences |
History |
The History of Epileptology |
The disease with 1000 names |
Institutions for people with epilepsy |
People with epilepsy in the "Third Reich" |
Diagnostik |
... in der Antike |
moderne Diagnostik |
Therapie |
... in der Antike |
... ab der Renaissancezeit |
Kunst |
Votivtafeln |
religiöse Kunstwerke |
weitere Werke |
Epilepsiemotive in der Belletristik |
Prominente |
Einleitung |
Galerie |
Kommentar |
Über das Museum | Anfahrt | Fund des Tages | Bibliothek |
Was tun bei einem Anfall? | Häufige Fragen | Medienecho | Links | ...mehr |