Room 5: Zanaat

Epilepsy motifs in painting Epilepsy motifs in painting

Epilepsy motifs in sculpture Epilepsiye motif olan oymalar

Epilepsy motifs in narrative literature Literaturliste: Epilepsy motifs in narrative literature Epilepsy motifs in narrative literature

For more details, click on the pictures!

Ex voto - Tahta üzerine yapılmıs¸ tablolar

Tahta üzerine resmedilmis¸ tablolar: 17. Yüzyıldan bugüne kadar, Hıristiyanların dini inançlarında büyük bir rol oynamıs¸tır.

Bunlar genellikle tahta levhalar üzerine yapılmıs¸, yalvarmaya sebep olan durumları içeren; hastalık,kaza, harp sefaleti tablolarıdır. Bazıları da ; kutsal insanlardan merhamet dilemelerini içerir.
Tablolar; genel olarak kiliselerde, ziyaretgahlarda elde edilen merhametin veya yemin etmenin (“Verlobung” I˙sa ile nis¸anlanmanın) sembolüdür.

Child with epilepsy and its parents at Altötting Girl with the falling sickness. Votive tablet from 1668 Saint Anastasia. Verre églomisé picture Healing of a woman with epilepsy.
Madonna die Bagni/Umbria

Alt-Ötting, Bavaria

epileptic girl,
approx. 1510

Votive tablet from 1668

Verre églomisé picture

Majolika tablet


Saint Anthony of Padua. Exvoto from 1773 Saint Valentin and the Virgin Mary.
Exvoto from 1843 from Mariahilfberg, Passau The Virgin Mary as advocate for a girl with epilepsy.

Saint Antonius

Saint Valentin and the Virgin Mary

Votive tablet from 1766

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I˙sa’nın sarayı tedavi edis¸i

Orta çag˘ ve Renaissance devrinde; sanat eserlerinin temalarını, genellikle dini motifler tes¸kil ederdi.
Bunlar, çog˘unlukla siparis¸le yapılan ve siparis¸i verenin isteg˘ini canlandıran eserlerdi.Yaptıran sebep ise, tanrının veya azizlerin göstermis¸ oldug˘u merhamet ve yardımıydı. Bu tabloların içerig˘i ve yapılıs¸ s¸ekli, siparis¸i verenin istikbali hakkında ki sonucu anlamaya izin verir (“Schutzpatrone für Epilepsie” epilepsinin koruyucusu).

Jesus healing a man who has epilepsy. Jesus healing a man in chains who has epilepsy. The transfiguration.
Raphael (1483-1520)

(Heures du Duc de Berry)

Tablet around 1750

The transfiguration

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Dini sanat eserleri

Bartholomäus Zeitbloom (1455-1515): Saint Valentin of Terni Saint Bernhard. Jörg Breu Senior, around 1500. Zwettl/Austria Henry Perche: The healing of a woman with the falling sickness. Matthias Grünewald: Saint Cyriakus Saint Severin of Noricum

Saint Valentin

Saint Bernhard

The Healing of a Woman with the Falling Sickness.

Saint Cyriakus

Saint Severin
of Noricum


Saint Ubald of Gubbio
(Matthias Faller, 1707-1790)

Saint Ubald of Gubbio.

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"Epilepsy surgery" from ancient Greek and Roman times, and from the Middle Ages

The stone-cutter
Jan Sanders van Hemessen
(about 1500 - after 1575) Epilepticus sic curabitur
('The way to cure an epileptic') Hieronymous van Aeken
(El Bosco, 1460-1516)

The stone-cutter

"Epilepticus sic curabitur"

El Bosco (1460-1516)

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Dig˘er kültürlerin,  epilepsi motifleri

The Aztec goddess Tlazolteotl The Inca ruler Capac Yupanqui's wife having an epileptic seizure


Capac Yupanqui's wife

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Modern tablolar

The Red Curtain or Hommage to Vincent;
Man suffering a grand mal seizure.
Anonymus, approx. 1965 The Symbolism of Epilepsy. Karlheinz Geier (1982), drawing 'What is it? Illustration based on the novel 'Poor Miss Finch' by Wilkie Collins, 1872

Hommage to Vincent

The Symbolism of Epilepsy

What is it?

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Epilepsiye motif olan oymalar

Bodo Wentz: Falling sickness I.
Ceramic, 1983 Rasso Rothacker: The Samaritan. Bronze, approx. 1965 Your mind is your force

Falling sickness I

The Samaritan

Your mind is your force

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Gezmeye devam

--> Room 6: famous people who suffered from epilepsy

© German Epilepsymuseum Kork - Museum for epilepsy and the history of epilepsy